Duhok center, besides the Presidency of University of Duhok.
Emergency Suicide Prevention Hotline
What is suicide Hotline?
The emergency suicide hotline is a specialized for those people who have suicidal intention. Those who want to commit suicide due to any reason, they can contact us.
Emergency Hotline Team
Whenever you or someone close to your circle have suicide thoughts or attempts contact us via the following number 80025050. Our team consists of experienced and professional psychotherapists will respond and speak to you immediately.
Tasks of the Suicide Prevention Team
- The main task of this team is to listen to you through receiving your call 24 hours per day.
- Psychotherapeutically support to prevent suicide.
- Assisting everyone who contact us in Psychotherapeutically.
- All your personal information will be kept confidential.
If you are someone who is thinking about suicide:
- Wait don’t undertake any action to hurt yourself.
- You don’t have to act on your suicide thoughts.
- Your thoughts and attitudes can be changed.
- Before taking any action talk to someone, it could be a family member or a close friend.
- Call this hotline to support you.
- If it is difficult for you to call, send us a message please.
- Try to keep yourself safe for now and more to another place.
- Try to realize that this is a temporarily situation, keep in mind there are other reasons to live
Committing suicide is not right solution for your current problems, your critical situations is temporary. We understand your dilemma, but be sure we have better solutions for you.
Warning Signs that family and friends should know,
If one of your relatives or friend has the following signs or if you notice that his/her thoughts or behaviors are changing and has negative thoughts regarding life. You can contact us to save one’s life from death.
Talking about:
Wanting to die
Being a burden to others
Hopeless, trapped, or having no reason to live.
Extremely sad, more anxious, agitated or full of rage.
Great guilt or shame.
Unbearable emotional or psychical pain.
Changing Behavior Such as;
Planning or searching ways to commit suicide
Withdrawing from friends, saying goodbye and writing a will.
Display extreme mood swings
Taking dangerous risks such as driving extremely fast.
Eating or sleeping more or less
Using drugs or alcohol more often
If these warning signs apply to you or someone you know get help as soon as possible specially if there behavior is new or has increased recently,
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